Fertility Transition in Works of Albanian Authors from Kosovo and Metohia

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Jelena Predojević


A high level of fertility indicates that the reproductive model with elements of traditional type, characterized by a long period of birth-giving during the reproductive period, as well as a considerable participation of higher confinement order, is still present in Kosovo and Metohia. A large number of Albanian authors from Kosovo and Metohia believe such a state, which is directly caused by the undeveloped condition of the Province in the social, economic, medical, cultural and other senses, is due to historical conditions in which the population developed, especially of Albanian nationality, namely the way of life in which the old-fashioned spirit prevails and the traditional system of values. A very significant place within the psychological factors of fertility is taken by tradition, whose influence is manifested through the determination of the age of the married couple when getting married, the stability of the marriage, negative attitude on celibacy, moreover the relation of tradition and birth giving towards the sex of the child, as well as the tie between tradition and religion. The position of women in the family and society takes a significant place, because the inferior position of the women contributes to the fact that she becomes the "guardian of tradition", namely that she provides the continuity of the old fashioned way of life even though its values are turned against the actual women.

It may be said the there is a consensus among the Albanian authors from Kosovo and Metohia that the slow transition of fertility is due the most to the unfavorable socio-economic position of the population. The Province of all parts of SFR Yugoslavia went the last into the process of urbanization and industrialization, while as stated, the scope and tempo of those processes was insufficient for them to significantly influence the demographic complex change and social state in general. It is also stated that if an intensive economic development of Kosovo and Metohia was carried out, the level of natality would be decreased in a considerably shorter time than what other parts of the country succeeded.

Family planning is a field which provoked the most polemics among Albanian authors from Kosovo and Metohia. The themes which stood out according to importance may be divided in three groups: what is understood by family planning, what are the reasons for adopting and carring out the family planning program, and what are the possible ways of carrying our these programs. Two groups of researchers may also be singled out. The first which believes that reproductive conscience is determined by society modernization factors, namely that family planning is solved only in conjuction with economic and social development of the Province, and the other group of authors which believes that socio-economic development is a necessary condition, however, society should direct actions in order to develop certain social activities and provide conditions for carrying out the rights of man to free parenthood and family planning programs.


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How to Cite
Predojević, J. (2002). Fertility Transition in Works of Albanian Authors from Kosovo and Metohia. Stanovnistvo, 39(1-4), 131–156. https://doi.org/10.2298/STNV0104131P


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