• Stanovništvo is a peer-reviewed, diamond open-access scientific journal that publishes peer-reviewed papers from a range of disciplines in the field of population studies and related public policy implications. The journal is published by the Centre for Demographic Research of the National Institute of Social Sciences in Belgrade, Serbia. The journal has regional focus on countries of former Yugoslavia but publishes articles from other geographical contexts as well.

    • The journal is dedicated to the dissemination of relevant demographic knowledge among researchers, encouraging an interdisciplinary approach to the study of demographic phenomena, spreading a positive population climate, and raising awareness of the importance of the population factor. It also aims to provide a forum for professionals concerned with population studies in the region and neighbouring countries, including researchers, teachers, students, data producers, and users of demographic knowledge.

    • Stanovništvo publishes original papers that have not been published previously. The following categories of papers are included:
      • research paper (contains previously unpublished results of the author’s own research conducted using a scientific method),
      • review article (contains an original, detailed, and critical view of the research problem or the area in which the author has made a certain contribution), and
      • short communication (original, full-format scientific work, but of smaller volume or preliminary character).
        The journal also publishes
      • scientific critiques and polemics (discussions on a particular scientific topic based exclusively on scientific argumentation),
      • reviews and reflections, short book and conference reviews, statistical annexes, etc.

    • Manuscripts shall be submitted in English or Serbian (including all standard variants of the former Serbo-Croatian language), with extended summaries in English.

    • By submitting manuscripts to the journal Stanovništvo, the authors undertake to adhere to the rules established by the journal's publication ethics.

  • The Online First section contains the manuscripts of articles that have been accepted for publication but have not yet appeared in an issue of the journal. They have been peer-reviewed and edited according to Stanovništvo’s usual standards. Online First articles should be cited by their digital object identifiers (DOIs), which are assigned to every article. These manuscripts can be changed after minor technical and language corrections in the process of preparing the print layout of the journal issue. When the final version of the article is assigned to an issue of the journal, the first published version will be removed from this section.

  • The journal is issued semiannually in both electronic (open-access) and printed versions.
    eISSN: 2217-3986 | ISSN: 0038-982X

  • All articles published before September 25, 2024, are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 (CC BY-NC 4.0) license. Starting from September 25, 2024, all articles will be licensed under the more permissive Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 (CC BY 4.0) license. 

  • All articles have a DOI and are indexed in the CrossRef database.
  • The journal does not charge any fees for submission, reviewing, and production.

  • The publishing of the journal is supported financially by the Ministry of science, technological development and innovations of the Republic of Serbia.  

  • Stanovništvo is covered by the following services: CEEOL, CNKI, CrossRef, DOAJ, doiSerbia, EBSCO, ERIH PLUS, SCImago Journal Ranking (SJR), and Scopus.

  • Digital copies of the journal are archived by the National Library of Serbia and PKP Preservation Network.

Briefly on the history:

  • One of the oldest demographic journals in the world and the oldest in the Balkans, Stanovništvo was first published in 1963 by the Center for Demographic Research of the Institute of Social Sciences, Belgrade (Serbia). Since 1990, the Association of Demographers of Serbia has co-published the journal.

  • Academician Miloš Macura, former director of the United Nations' Population Division (1966-1972), was the initiator and first editor-in-chief of the journal.

  • Demographers from around the world have contributed to building the reputation and significance of the journal with their papers. These include the world’s most famous population science researchers, such as: Frank Lorimer, Eugene Hammel, Edward Rosset, Massimo Livi-Bacci, Zdenek Pavlik, Robert Cliquet, Jean-Paul Sardon, Alain Parant and others.