Social and legal position of migrant drivers in public road traffic
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Labour migrations have become, over the years, a ’livelihood strategy’ for many men and women to provide a better life and work opportunities and overall social security for them and their families. The shortage of labour force in European countries, particularly in some professions such as professional drivers and in the public transport sector, influences the work engagement of migrant drivers mainly from central and southeastern Asia and African countries. According to recent empirical studies, migrant drivers’ work conditions showed the precariously of work and so-called modern force and slaver labour elements. The aim of the paper is to examine how globalization and digitalization impact the legal status of migrant drivers approaching from company law, transport law, and labour law perspectives. Legal theoretical, normative, and comparative methods were applied in that regard. The findings showed the necessity for a comprehensive holistic approach to the legal status of migrant drivers that integrates economic, public policy, and legal considerations when dealing with global labour migration. A neoliberal economic model that encourages global competition empowered by digitalization could endanger the enjoyment of fundamental human and labour rights to all citizens particularly those who are already considered vulnerable such as migrant workers.
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Published by the Institute of Social Sciences - Center for Demographic Research
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