Population Reproduction in the Works of Svetozar Marković
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Svetozar Marković explains in his works that population reproduction should be analyzed as an important social issue. A starting point in his "theory of human multiplication", a criticism of Malthusian theoretical conceptions, is the relationship between demographic, economic and technological development.
In line with the socialist and Marxist concepts, Marković analyzes the components and population growth dynamics as well as the deterministic base of the reproduction model. Demographic growth of a population should be economically rational but there should also be created conditions to humanize population reproduction. A basic precondition for the creation of more humane conditions for population reproduction lies in the process of emancipation of women and an improvement of its social status in the economic, political and cultural sense.
Within the complex deterministic framework affecting the level of births, the impact of demographic, economic, social, socio-psychological and socio-cultural factors is intertwined. In solving the problem of "exceedingly high" population birth rate, a key role is played by the education process and emancipation of women. These are the socio-cultural factors that should induce a decline in the birth rate.
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Published by the Institute of Social Sciences - Center for Demographic Research